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Full Version: [Done] Cusader Kings III: Newest version + DLC
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I implore,

     Please ensure that the newest version of CK3 is available at the regular places. In addition, I would be very interested in helping to make this happen, if there were some way I could do this. 

With great happiness, I see the regular upkeep has been fantastic. 

I only wonder about the next EU game, or any possible missing DLCs for CK3 and EUIV. 

(03-27-2024, 05:50 AM)duffrawr Wrote: [ -> ]I implore,

     Please ensure that the newest version of CK3 is available at the regular places. In addition, I would be very interested in helping to make this happen, if there were some way I could do this. 

With great happiness, I see the regular upkeep has been fantastic. 

I only wonder about the next EU game, or any possible missing DLCs for CK3 and EUIV. 


Crusader Kings III v.1.12.3 (credit: AR-81 @cs.rin)