
Registration Date: 10-09-2024
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-25-2024 at 01:57 PM
Status: (Hidden)

hyarisgyrk's Forum Info
Joined: 10-09-2024
Last Visit: (Hidden)
Total Posts: 0 (0 posts per day | 0 percent of total posts)
Total Threads: 0 (0 threads per day | 0 percent of total threads)
Time Spent Online: (Hidden)
Reputation: 0 [Details] [Rate]
Additional Info About hyarisgyrk
Bio: You’ll need to keep carbs to about 5-10% of your daily intake, fats around 70-80%, and protein at 15-25% to stay in ketosis https://send.cm/8tdar1a24v1c
Gender: Undisclosed